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Creative Writing: First Person vs. Third Person (Perspective Choices)

Discover the surprising impact of choosing between first person and third person perspective in creative writing.

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Choose a storytelling style The subjective storytelling style of first person narration allows for a more personal and intimate connection between the reader and the protagonist. The use of personal pronouns can limit the scope of the story and may not allow for a full exploration of other characters or events.
2 Consider the viewpoint option The objective viewpoint option of third person narration allows for a wider scope of the story and can provide a more balanced and unbiased perspective. The authorial distance control can make it difficult for the reader to fully immerse themselves in the story and connect with the characters.
3 Decide on personal pronoun usage The use of personal pronouns in first person narration can create a sense of immediacy and urgency in the story. Overuse of personal pronouns can become repetitive and distract from the plot.
4 Control authorial distance The authorial distance control in third person narration can provide a more objective and analytical perspective on the story. Too much authorial distance can make the story feel detached and unemotional.
5 Create an immersive reader experience The use of limited omniscient narration can provide a more intimate connection between the reader and the characters, while still allowing for a wider scope of the story. The use of multiple narrators can be confusing for the reader and may disrupt the flow of the story.
6 Consider the unreliable narrator technique The unreliable narrator technique in first person narration can add an element of mystery and intrigue to the story. Overuse of the unreliable narrator technique can make the story feel contrived and gimmicky.
7 Experiment with stream of consciousness writing Stream of consciousness writing in first person narration can provide a more intimate and personal connection between the reader and the protagonist. Overuse of stream of consciousness writing can make the story feel disjointed and difficult to follow.
8 Explore the multiple narrators approach The multiple narrators approach can provide a more complex and nuanced perspective on the story, allowing for a deeper exploration of different characters and events. The use of multiple narrators can be difficult to manage and may require a higher level of skill and organization from the writer.


  1. What is the difference between subjective storytelling style and objective viewpoint option in creative writing?
  2. What is authorial distance control and how can it impact a reader’s connection to a story?
  3. What are the advantages and limitations of limited omniscient narration in storytelling?
  4. What is stream of consciousness writing, and how can it enhance or detract from a story depending on perspective choice?
  5. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What is the difference between subjective storytelling style and objective viewpoint option in creative writing?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Understand the difference between subjective storytelling style and objective viewpoint option. Subjective storytelling style is when the narrator is a character in the story and tells the story from their own perspective. Objective viewpoint option is when the narrator is not a character in the story and tells the story from an outside perspective. None
2 Consider the impact of narrative voice on characterization. Narrative voice can greatly impact how characters are portrayed and perceived by the reader. In subjective storytelling style, the narrator’s biases and opinions can influence how the reader views the characters. In objective viewpoint option, the characters are portrayed more objectively and the reader is left to form their own opinions. None
3 Evaluate the authorial distance in each perspective choice. Authorial distance refers to how close the narrator is to the story and characters. In subjective storytelling style, the narrator is often very close to the story and characters, which can create a more emotional impact on the reader. In objective viewpoint option, the narrator is more distant, which can create a more detached and analytical tone. None
4 Consider the impact on reader engagement. The perspective choice can greatly impact how engaged the reader is with the story. In subjective storytelling style, the reader may feel more connected to the characters and invested in their story. In objective viewpoint option, the reader may feel more like an observer and less emotionally invested. None
5 Utilize literary devices to enhance the chosen perspective. Both subjective storytelling style and objective viewpoint option can benefit from the use of literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, and tone. However, the specific devices used may differ depending on the chosen perspective. None
6 Develop plot and theme based on the chosen perspective. The perspective choice can greatly impact the development of the plot and exploration of themes. In subjective storytelling style, the plot may be more character-driven and the themes may be more personal. In objective viewpoint option, the plot may be more plot-driven and the themes may be more universal. None
7 Consider the impact on character motivation. The perspective choice can also impact how the reader perceives the characters’ motivations. In subjective storytelling style, the reader may have a more intimate understanding of the characters’ motivations. In objective viewpoint option, the reader may have to infer the characters’ motivations based on their actions and dialogue. None

What is authorial distance control and how can it impact a reader’s connection to a story?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Define authorial distance control Authorial distance control refers to the level of emotional connection between the reader and the characters in a story, which is influenced by the author’s choice of point of view and narrative style. None
2 Explain how point of view affects authorial distance control The choice between first-person and third-person point of view can significantly impact the reader’s emotional connection to the story. First-person point of view allows for a more intimate and immersive experience, as the reader is directly inside the character‘s head and experiences their thoughts and emotions. Third-person point of view, on the other hand, can create a sense of distance and objectivity, as the reader is observing the characters from the outside. None
3 Discuss the role of the narrator in authorial distance control The narrator‘s level of omniscience can also impact the reader’s emotional connection to the story. An omniscient narrator has complete knowledge of all the characters’ thoughts and feelings, which can create a sense of intimacy and empathy. A limited omniscient narrator, on the other hand, only has access to the thoughts and feelings of one or a few characters, which can create a sense of distance and objectivity. None
4 Explain how authorial distance control impacts reader engagement The level of emotional connection between the reader and the characters can impact their engagement with the story. A strong emotional connection can lead to increased empathy for the characters, which can make the reader more invested in their journey and more likely to continue reading. On the other hand, a weak emotional connection can lead to disinterest or detachment from the story. None
5 Discuss how authorial distance control impacts character development, plot progression, suspense building, and empathy creation Authorial distance control can impact various elements of the story, including character development, plot progression, suspense building, and empathy creation. A strong emotional connection can lead to more nuanced and complex character development, as well as a more engaging and suspenseful plot. It can also create a greater sense of empathy for the characters, which can lead to a more meaningful and impactful reading experience. None
6 Explain how authorial distance control impacts reader interpretation The level of emotional connection between the reader and the characters can also impact their interpretation of the story. A strong emotional connection can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the characters’ motivations and actions, as well as a more nuanced interpretation of the themes and messages of the story. On the other hand, a weak emotional connection can lead to a more superficial or simplistic interpretation of the story. None

What are the advantages and limitations of limited omniscient narration in storytelling?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Define limited omniscient narration Limited omniscient narration is a point of view in storytelling where the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of only one character, but not all characters. Readers may miss out on important information or perspectives from other characters.
2 Advantages of limited omniscient narration Limited omniscient narration allows for deeper character development and exploration of a character’s inner thoughts and emotions. This can create a stronger emotional impact on the reader and build suspense. It also allows for a closer narrative distance, which can increase reader engagement. The risk of an unreliable narrator is higher with limited omniscient narration, as the reader is only getting one character’s perspective. This can also limit the exploration of themes and characterization of other characters.
3 Limitations of limited omniscient narration The limitations of limited omniscient narration include the potential for a narrow perspective and limited exploration of other characters. It can also limit the plot structure and reader interpretation, as the reader is only getting one character’s perspective. The risk of an unreliable narrator can also limit the reader’s trust in the story and the emotional impact it has on them.
4 Examples of limited omniscient narration Examples of limited omniscient narration include "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger and "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Both novels use limited omniscient narration to explore the inner thoughts and emotions of the main character, while also limiting the reader’s perspective on other characters and events. The use of limited omniscient narration may not work for all stories or genres, and may limit the exploration of certain themes or plot structures.

What is stream of consciousness writing, and how can it enhance or detract from a story depending on perspective choice?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Define stream of consciousness writing Stream of consciousness writing is a narrative technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur, without any apparent structure or organization. This technique can be difficult to follow for readers who are not used to it, and it can be challenging for writers to maintain coherence and clarity.
2 Explain how perspective choice affects stream of consciousness writing The choice between first person and third person perspective can significantly impact the effectiveness of stream of consciousness writing. First person perspective allows for a more intimate and immediate connection between the reader and the character, while third person perspective can provide a more objective and detached view of the character’s thoughts and feelings. If the writer chooses the wrong perspective for their story, it can lead to confusion or disengagement from the reader.
3 Discuss how stream of consciousness writing can enhance a story Stream of consciousness writing can provide a deep and immersive experience for the reader, allowing them to fully understand the character’s inner world and motivations. It can also create a sense of psychological realism, making the character feel more relatable and human. However, if not executed properly, stream of consciousness writing can become tedious or overwhelming for the reader, leading to disinterest or frustration.
4 Explain how stream of consciousness writing can detract from a story If the writer relies too heavily on stream of consciousness writing, it can lead to a lack of plot or action, making the story feel stagnant or uneventful. Additionally, if the character’s thoughts and feelings are not effectively characterized, it can lead to a lack of empathy or connection with the reader. Using stream of consciousness writing inappropriately can also lead to an unreliable narrator or authorial intrusion, which can disrupt the flow of the story and confuse the reader.
5 Discuss the importance of tone, symbolism, and mood in stream of consciousness writing Tone, symbolism, and mood are crucial elements in stream of consciousness writing, as they can help to guide the reader through the character’s thoughts and emotions. Tone can convey the character’s attitude or perspective, while symbolism can add depth and meaning to their thoughts. Mood can create a specific atmosphere or emotional response in the reader. However, if these elements are not used effectively, they can become distracting or confusing, detracting from the overall impact of the story.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

Mistake/Misconception Correct Viewpoint
First person is always more engaging than third person. Both perspectives can be engaging, it depends on the story and the writer’s style. First person allows for a closer connection to the protagonist, while third person can provide a broader view of events and characters.
Third person is impersonal and distant. Third person can still convey emotions and thoughts through character actions, dialogue, and descriptions. It just requires a different approach to writing compared to first person.
Switching between first and third person within a story is confusing for readers. While it may be jarring if done abruptly or without purpose, switching perspectives can add depth to a story when used intentionally and with clear transitions between sections or chapters.
Writing in first person means only one character‘s perspective can be shown at a time. Multiple characters’ perspectives can still be shown in first-person writing by using multiple narrators or having the protagonist interact with other characters who share their thoughts and feelings throughout the story.
Third-person omniscient narration means knowing everything about every character all at once. While this type of narration does allow for access to multiple characters’ thoughts and feelings simultaneously, it doesn’t necessarily mean that every detail about each character will be revealed all at once – it depends on how much information the author chooses to reveal at any given moment in order to serve the plot or themes of their work.