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The Power of Punch: What Makes a Story Compelling

Key Idea: Punch is the heart interest, the suspense, and the gripping interest that make your scenarios worth while.

Summary: Punch is the heart interest, suspense, and gripping interest that make a story worth while. It is the motive power that lies back of the action. Punch is both a tangible, physical thing and a mental state. It is the something in all objects animate and inanimate that demands attention.

  1. The Punch: The Heart Interest or Main Idea of a Story
    1. Punch is the suspense and gripping interest that make a story worth while.
    2. Punch is the motive power that lies behind the action.

  2. The Motive Power That Drives the Action
  3. Physical or Mental
  4. Punch is the motor that makes the painter, the writer, the genius, and gives them their talent.

  5. The Hypnotism and Magnetism That Makes a Story Compelling